We Made It Simple…Rylee Made It Hers.
Q: In 3-4 sentences please introduce yourselves and give a short bio of who you are.
A: Hi there! My name is Rylee and I am a full-time RN working in a school setting with the most amazing kids. When I’m not at work, you can usually find me at the gym or anywhere in the fresh air, whether it’s a local park or somewhere up in the Adirondack Mountains! I love exploring with my husband and our two mini poodles, Pixar and Kazooie!
Q: Where are you currently residing? (State)
A: I currently live in Rochester, NY, which ironically is where Nalgene’s story first began!
Q: Health and fitness are a big part of your life, how did you get started on that journey?
A: I have been active for most of my life, starting with Irish Dancing when I was six years old, but it wasn’t until I went to college that I discovered fitness in a gym setting. During my first year, I took a PE course that introduced me to all different styles of exercise, from cycling to yoga and everything in between, and I was hooked! I went on to become a certified trainer myself and taught group classes for the rest of my college years. Now, I love to explore and try new things, and staying active allows me to feel like I am always ready for anything!