After you take a sip of water, do you know what happens next? Drinking water is one of those things that we know is vital to survival, but not many of us know how it actually works. And when it comes down to it, we probably all should be remembering to drink more water, in order to stay hydrated and healthy.
But here’s the thing: if we don’t actually understand the science behind water in our bodies, it’s going to be tough to feel motivated to keep taking more swigs from our full Nalgene bottles. So that’s why we wanted to do a deep dive into precisely why we should all drink more water, and how exactly water interacts with our bodies.
We here at Nalgene Outdoor are dedicated to a few things, including reducing the impact of single-use plastic water bottles, and using science and innovation to craft our incredible water bottles. But we’re also passionate about water, and why it’s so important for keeping people healthy.
So let’s dive into it: here’s the scientific breakdown of water, what happens when it enters our bodies, and why it’s oh-so-important. After this, you’ll definitely feel motivated to sip more often.